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  • mandyhaigh9

What to expect with a Skin Prick allergy test

If you are starting out your allergy journey and have never had a skin prick test before the thought of having one can be very daunting, particularly if you don't know what to expect. Hopefully after reading this you will have some of your questions answered and feel more at ease.

Allergy skin prick tests are commonly used to identify specific allergens that may be causing allergic reactions in both adults and children. The test will be carried out in a medical setting with an allergy nurse or doctor. During the test, a small amount of the suspected allergen is placed on the skin, usually on the forearm but sometimes on the back and then the skin is pricked with a needle. If a person is allergic to the substance, a small raised bump called a wheal will appear at the site. A wheal is commonly known as a hive, they can circular, oval or annular (ring-shaped).

The sizer of the wheal helps determine the presence and severity of the allergy. The test is typically painless and results are usually available within 15-20 minutes. its essential to have these tests conducted by trained healthcare professionals to ensure accurate results and proper interpretation as well as being in the right place should an adverse reaction occur.

Allergy skin prick tests are valuable tools in diagnosing allergies and can help individuals understand their triggers better, an allergy management strategy can then be put in place as well as a care plan if required and relevant medications such as antihistamines and adrenaline pens can be prescribed.

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