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What is CMPA?

CMPA stands for Cow's Milk Protein Allergy. CMPA is one of the most common food allergies in babies. The body's immune system wrongly reacts to the protein in the food and identifies Cow's milk as a harmful threat, therefore produces a response which causes an allergic reaction, that on occasion, can be life threatening. In babies CMPA would usually appear before they are one years old.

What are the symptoms (based on my daughters symptoms)


Spitting up


Arched back when feeding

Colic like symptoms

Abdominal pain

Extreme crying and distress

Hives (Urticaria)

Swelling (Angioedema)

Itching (Acute Pruritus)

Skin rash



Loose acidic stools


Blood or mucus in stools

Nappy rash extreme due to acidic stools


Runny nose

Noisy Breathing (wheezy)

Struggle to breath

Food aversion (food refusal)

Anaphylaxis - call 999 immediately and state anaphylaxis (rare)

Some symptoms of CMPA can easily be mistaken for other things such as colic or reflux which can be common in babies. CMPA affects both adults and children. CMPA can occur in both breastfed and formula fed babies. It is important to inform your GP immediately if you suspect CMPA or if your child persistently displays any of the symptoms or other unusual symptoms not listed above.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, please seek advice from your GP.

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