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  • mandyhaigh9

So Many Questions....

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

Lockdown is finally easing and there is talk of things returning to a new kind of normal, we should be celebrating, embracing and looking forward to our kids returning to school in September right?! For us parents of children with Allergies and Anaphylaxis its really not that simple.

Jasmine has been off school since the second week in March due to her medical conditions we had to shield, this was very intense to start with, but has quite quickly become the new normal for us. We have not been in any building other than our home since March so I would be lying if I said as a family we weren't anxious about Jasmines return to school in September.

What's the deal with Schools and administering life saving medication without delay?

Surely there's no time to be putting on PPE when you have a matter of minutes to save a life?

Who will give her the inhaler in the event of an asthma attack?

Who will cuddle her when she is anxious about food and eating in the dining hall?

Who will administer allergy medication if needed?

Should she wear a mask to school?

Is it even safe to go back to school?

These are just some of the questions swimming around in my head right now, I have been searching for the answers but still not found concrete answers that put my mind at ease.

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