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  • mandyhaigh9

Managing new allergies

The past two months Jasmine has suffered with her health in terms of developing an unidentified allergy. Being under the care of several specialists you would think it would be easy to get tests and a diagnosis, more fool us for thinking that!!

Over the course of the last few month Jasmine has been to A&E six times, once by ambulance due to continuous vomiting, swollen lips and vomiting blood. As you can imagine this has been a very un-nerving time for us all and trying to pinpoint the cause has been proving near enough impossible. We have written food diary after food diary, worked with school to list all the things she has touched or goes throughout the day, even down to which friend she hugs and do they have pets or not. During our struggles we contacted the allergist but unfortunately due to current pandemic she was out of the country and unable to return for a long period of time, so, now that she has returned there is a back log of patients on a waiting list, although we have been put on an emergency waiting list we knew chances of getting seen this year look very bleak.

Jasmines' anxiety has increased tenfold and she had missed so much school with her sickness that I had to take the bull by the horns and book in with a private paediatrician. After an extensive search and a recommendation from a friend we were lucky enough to get booked in with the best Paediatrician in West Yorkshire! Jasmines appointment was on the 23rd July, during the appointment we revisited the start of Jasmine's allergy journey way back to the early days of CMPA right through to the current vomiting episodes. The doctor listened attentively and performed necessary tests. The tests show that Jasmine is more allergic to cats and dogs and a confirmed allergy of Horses, Milk, eggs and Soya were also retested as was chicken. Reactions still present the doctor has suggested we book in for food challenges to see if we can build a tolerance level to some of the foods if they are consumed in a particular way, so for us that gives us hope that we can lift some of Jasmines food restrictions!!

We have narrowed down Jasmines new allergy to either chicken or cuddling her friend who has a dog and the dander being a culprit!! We await a chicken challenge test to concur!

If you feel you're at your wits end with your allergies, please don't despair, write everything down as silly as it may sound even having a window open through the night could be a trigger, always trust your gut and if you know something is wrong don't give up until you have the answer/diagnosis.

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