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  • mandyhaigh9

It's been a while....

Since I last blogged back in 2021 so much has happened. We have entered a new year, we are getting a new Prime Minister, we are amidst a cost of living crisis and we have had some of the hottest days on record!!

In our allergy journey so much has also happened, we've had many hospital trips, milk challenges, flare ups, anxiety, skin prick tests, allergy appointments, paediatric appointments as well as dietitian phone calls.

Some of you may know that last summer Jasmines health started getting a little bit complicated and we had many, many trips to the A&E due to vomiting blood and lip swelling, this didn't just happen once it was on multiple occasions, we even had to get an ambulance to A&E on Christmas day. Once again as a family we found ourselves in turmoil, not knowing the cause of the lip swelling and vomiting and it was scary to say the least.

We paid to see a private allergist who helped us in a number of ways ( I will post about these seperately) and here a year on from when the vomiting blood started we seem to be levelling out and Jasmine seems to be coping well and hasn't vomited in months now, which is why I have been able to get back to the blog!

Living our lives with allergies or caring for someone with allergies is never predictable, I do however apologise to you all for the long time away. I am back now and will share all I have learned the past year and our experiences so watch this space :)

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