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Hay fever natural remedies

Jasmine and I both suffer with hay fever and because Jasmine has to take anti histamines for other allergies quite often, I thought there would be no harm in trying a few home remedies. There are also some tips to limit pollen indoors that we have picked up along the way. Here are what work for us:

Natural Raw Honey

I think it is important to use local raw honey for the pollen in your area. We have been taking a teaspoon of local raw honey every morning, some days we have an extra two to three teaspoons depending on the pollen count that day. Raw honey is also known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that give relief from various symptoms of hay fever.


Using a cotton bud we apply a small amount of Vaseline to each nostril, gently coating the inside of the nose. Do this before leaving the house. This acts as a barrier and blocks pollen from entering the nasal passage. It really works for us.

Vitamin C

We have consciously increased out vitamin C intake, by consuming extra oranges, lemon water and other foods rich in Vitamin C. Being a natural anti histamine Vitamin C is a great way to boost your defence against Hay Fever. Just a reminder that our bodies can't make or store Vitamin C so it is important to ensure our daily diets contain it.


Garlic has an array of health benefits. It boosts your immune system and acts a decongestant. Another great benefit of consuming garlic is that it contains quercetin a natural antihistamine. Raw garlic has the most benefit, however you can add in extra garlic at mealtimes or, if that idea really turns your stomach you can always buy the supplements from health food shops.


We use cucumber to soothe our eyes. Sometimes during hay fever season our eyes can get puffy and sore. A slice of cold cucumber on each eye really helps relieve the symptoms.

Drying Clothes

As a mum one of my first thoughts on a sunny day would be to get as much washing out on the line to dry as possible. We don't dry our washing outside anymore, by doing this we limit the amount of pollen trapped in our clothes or bedsheets.


Once we come home for the day after being outside, we take a shower, wash our hair and change our clothes. By doing this we reduce the pollen transferring around our home keep it as pollen free as we can.


We try and limit the opening of windows and doors on high pollen days as much as possible. We do this to prevent pollen spreading around our home. It is a struggle sometimes to keep the windows closed as I also love an airy home. So if I do need to open any windows I will try one room for a limited time and keep doors closed.

We do all of the above and have found this has really helped reduce or hay fever symptoms to the point we have limited the use of anti histamines such as Piriton. Let us know in the comments what tips or remedies you have that have worked for you and your family.

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