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Food Allergy Awareness Month

According to the Food Standards Agency UK - In the UK an estimated 2 million people are living with a diagnosed food allergy and 600,000 (1 in 100) with coeliac disease.

It’s May and it is Food Allergy Awareness Month!

Did you know that 8 foods account for 90% of all food allergy reactions?

These are:









In the UK as with most cultures worldwide food is the centre of life, celebrations, gatherings, outings and social experiences so it is pretty hard to avoid.

Being a mum of a child with multiple food allergies I have learned to be extra vigilant over the years here are some of my top tips!

- Always read the label

- Always inform people you're with of the allergies

-Don't be afraid to wipe and clean surfaces and surroundings when you're out

-Watch out for cross contamination

-Don't share drinks or utensils

-Inform staff when eating out

-Always bring medical bag as accidents can happen

-Always wash your hands - Hand sanitizer does NOT remove allergens

If you suspect you or you child has a food allergy here are some things to watch out for


-Itchy Throat


-Bloating (unexplained)




-Night Terrors (not medically proven but in our experience).

-ANAPHYLAXIS - ring 999 and state ANAPHYLAXIS use Adrenaline injectors if you have them.

*Disclaimer - I am not medically trained the advice and tips are based on my own experience managing my daughters condition.*

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