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Calm Anxiety Fast

Updated: Oct 7, 2020

You may have heard of the 5-4-3-2-1 technique but not really applied it to your daily life. Sometimes amidst an anxiety attack it is really easy to forget all the planning we have made for our next episode.

I use this technique regularly and it helps bring me back into focus. I use each finger on one hand to remind me of what to do.

If you are out and about try and find a quiet corner to stand preferably with your

back against the wall and feet firmly on the floor. If possible you can sit down.

If you are at home sit down comfortably, place both feet on the floor and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, in through your nose, hold for a moment and breathe out through your mouth.

Open your eyes and look for

5 - things you can see in the room or out of the window (call these out loudly)

4 - things you can feel, call out each one loudly, notice what each item feels like, perhaps you're touching your hair, or a cushion on the sofa, take a moment to notice the different textures of each item.

3 - things you can hear, maybe the clock ticking, birds chirpings, cars passing by, take a moment to really listen to the noises you can hear.

2 - things you can smell, maybe your perfume or the shampoo in your hair, or freshley brewed coffee, take a moment to breath in the smells

1 - thing you can taste, i usually have a packet of mints to hand, you can always leave your chair to get something, take a small bite, notice the taste, flavour and texture and really savour it for a few seconds.

Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth to end the session.

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