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Always Carry Two

For most people who are diagnosed with anaphylaxis they are prescribed auto adrenaline injectors (AAI's). The most known brand is the EpiPen. There are other brands out there also and they are Emerade and Jext.

Some people are only prescribed with one AAI which can be highly dangerous, in some cases the AAI doesn't release or you can misfire, this will leave the patient in a serious condition which is potentially life threatening.

A campaign called #alwayscarrytwo has been launched to help raise awareness and remind people that having two AAI's is the best chance of saving their life.

Two AAI's should be carried at all times along with an up to date care plan and other medicines required such as inhalers and antihistamines.

There are some fantastic websites out there where you can get more informed on anaphylaxis such as

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