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I was inspired to write a blog to share our experiences as a family and my own personal experiences of being a Mum of a child with Anaphylaxis, allergies, as well as Asthma, Eczema and Coeliac Disease.


My daughter Jasmine is six years old, she is such a fun loving character, she has a mischievous sense of humour and is the most caring, kind, brave and strong soul.


Jasmines allergies started from birth, her first known allergy was CMPA (Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy) closely followed with Atopic Chronic Eczema.  As the years have passed Jasmines allergies have increased and become more severe, she is also Anaphylactic to quite a few of her allergens now; to keep her as safe as possible we always carry a medical bag containing, two auto adrenaline injectors, Inhaler and a bottle of Antihistamines along with her care plan.


As a family we are on a never ending emotional rollercoaster, continuously riding out the good and the bad!  I hope the content of my blog and website will be relatable to you.  Follow our adventures, our medical journey, tips, tricks and some recipes we have tried out. Also an insight in how we deal with our anxieties and daily management of allergies, whilst living a normal as possible family life.

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